Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Reality Creation Law of Attraction Script Blueprint Post 1 Initiated Wednesday March 29, 2017 by 145 pm

Reality Creation Blueprint Post 1 Initiated Wednesday March 29, 2017 by 145 pm
Resources; Inspired by my awareness of various law of attraction and other spiritual and other types of resources such as the Map book by Bonni Lonnsburry and other resources I intend to list later on.

Some of the Multiple Things I Feel Blessed To Have In My Life
A Sweet and Amazing Husband and I am Blessed to married to since January 22, 2004
Superb Physical Health Even As I Work on my weight loss goals
My current foodservice job at the University of Maryland College Park that gives me plenty of time to sleep, write, and other activities.
My basic needs are always provided for regardless of my income-shelter, food etc.
My husband and I currently live in an area (the Washington D.C. metropolitan area) that offers ample public transportation options, low cost places to shop at, multiple libraries and schools etc.
Free Internet that I acknowledge and feel blessed to be paid by my mother in law, which frees up the monetary reasons for my husband and I for other things.

Some of my successes/blessings from the past (towards a fun exercise that I am doing later on)
I made valedictorian in the 8th grade (I was the top student out of a class of around 389 students).
I managed to graduate with honors in high school while juggling a grocery store job in both junior high and high school.
I honorably served in the U.S. Navy from June 2000 until May 2009.
I have been blessed to always have my basic needs provided for and some way to eventually access income since the time I was around 16 years old. (Even the times that my income greatly fluctuated in 2013 and 2016, I had a very short gap in waiting for consistent income to come back in (a maximum of 2-3 months).  This means that I have been blessed to consistently attract some type of financial income into my life through both the good times and challenging times of my life. Fortunately, both the challenging and good times have sharpened my intuition.

Songs for me to keep in mind; Vogue by Madonna, The Edge of Glory by  Lady Gaga and more to list later andor tomorrow

More writing in the post to come later on either today or tomorrow

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